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7 Tips To Make Buyers Fall In Love With Your Home

How did you know which property was the one when you chose your home?

With the likes of and buyers are exposed to more properties more quickly than ever before. In fact, 90% + of buyers look at properties online before even stepping foot into the property.

1. That is why first impressions count

Have you heard of Tinder? It is an online dating app where you can swipe left on a person’s profile if you are not interested and swipe right if you are interested.

You make decisions on appearance alone within seconds. This is the same as what online buyers are doing the same with your property against other properties on the market. It takes on average just 8 seconds for a buyer to fall in love with your property, that doesn’t give you long at all. So more than ever it is crucial to make a lasting first impression.

2. Make it look fresh

A fresh coat of paint can make all the difference. You can try do it yourself or hire a professional. Either way cost involved with the painting will be outweighed by the benefits you create to home buyers. The home looks clean and they have to do one less thing when they move in.

3. The small touches count

Adding fresh flowers and herbs can make a world of difference around the way buyers feel about your home. Greens make buyers feel calmer in your household and can liven a room.

4. Repair appliances and clean them up

Dirty or old appliances can be a deterrent to buyers, it means that they will have to outlay funds to fix them up. If your appliances are dirty or missing buttons spend a little bit of time cleaning and repairing instead of forking out $1,000s for new appliances, for a little bit of effort you can make a huge impact.

5. Make it smell good

It is almost always the first thing you notice when stepping into a house. The first step of this process is to actually remove any unpleasant smells. You can eliminate smells by opening windows, spraying air freshener and cleaning carpets. Once the existing smells are gone you can add light a candle or put a diffuser in place to make your home smell good.

6. Make it impersonal

Removing any personal photos and items can help the buyer create a personal connection to your home. The owner’s personal items can make a buyer feel less welcome and it is harder for them to imaging living in the house.

7. Style your property

This is a sure-fire way for your dream buyer to create an emotional connection with your house. You have to show them that they can feel at ease and at home.

In addition to looking amazing, a styled property creates internal dialogue within a buyer’s head such as “my dining table will fit here” or “this print really complements this bedroom”; it helps them imagine where their own furniture can fit into the home and even inspire them to copy certain style elements for when they buy the home and move in.

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